"Nowadays chiropractic, osteopathy and
physiotherapy have become an integral part of
the care and support of sport horses."


The equine physiotherapeutic examination starts with the anamnesis (interview) with the owner / trainer or rider. When referred by a vet, the information will be added to this interview. Then the horse will be observed while standing, followed by a superficial palpation. Then the horse will be observed while moving, preferably in all strides, on different surfaces and, when possible also in daily function.

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Aqua Therapy

In the aqua trainer horses can rehabilitate after a leg- or back injury in a controlled manner and under safe circumstances.
The advantage of aqua therapy is that the horse is stimulated to walk actively and to use its back, belly and pelvis correctly. Moving against the resistance of the water requires a lot of muscle power, the upward pressure in higher water makes it possible to do a training without having the full body weight on the tendons, ligaments and joints, and in lower water the horse is stimulated to step over the water to increase its moves.

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About Sandra

Since I was 15 years old I’ve been riding racehorses, both English Thoroughbreds and Arabians. First as a free-lance rider with different trainers at Duindigt Race Track, later on as an amateur jockey (until 2010). Now I assist my partner (trainer John Smith) daily at his stables located at Duindigt in The Netherlands preparing the horses for racing. Throughout the season I’m often “en route” with our runners during the weekends to different racetracks mainly in Germany, since there’s not enough starting opportunities at our own racetrack in The Netherlands.

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